From the course: Creating a Dev Environment in AWS with Terraform

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- [Instructor] Let's say the region we want to deploy dev into is North Virginia or us-east-1. But however, in the future, when we're writing a deploy to prod, we want to deploy to eu-west-2, which is London. The way you'd do that is through workspaces. And to illustrate this, let me open up the terminal. And type terraform workspace list. So as you can see here, we're currently in the default workspace for Terraform, and you can tell that by the star next to default. What we're going to do is first, let's destroy the environment, so we start with a clean slate. So we'll do terraform destroy -auto-approve. I just sped up the time so that you wouldn't have to wait for Terraform to do its thing. Okay, so let's get back to it. So let's take a look. Terraform workspace list. We should have only the default. Let's go ahead and create a new workspace. And we'll call this dev. And no, not create, nope. And along…
