From the course: Cover Letter Tips

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What should I say if I have an employment barrier?

What should I say if I have an employment barrier?

From the course: Cover Letter Tips

What should I say if I have an employment barrier?

(high energy music) - So, should you discuss employment barriers in your cover letter? Well if they're not evident on your resume, you may want to wait until a potential employer has established interest in you, before you bring up any potential employment barriers. For instance, if you have no degree, and all the jobs you're looking at are calling for the degree, you'll want to either find other rules to pursue, or convince the decision maker how you'd be a great fit for that job, even without the degree. So in this instance, the cover letter could be a great place to start that conversation. Some other potential employment barriers might be a criminal record, a disability, your age, or chronic health issues. You may not want to include these things in your cover letter. For these issues, it might be better to discuss them in direct conversation. (high energy music)
