From the course: Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

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Instructional design experts to follow

Instructional design experts to follow

- [Daniel] I'd like to bring this course to a close by recommending you check out a few experts that have shaped my thinking. The first is Will Thalheimer. Will Thalheimer is a learning expert, researcher and authority on assessing the impact of learning. His writings, for example his book "Performance-Focused Smile Sheets," are based on research which is really refreshing. You can find him at Second, I recommend you follow assessment experts Sharon Shrock and William Coscarelli. Their book "Criterion-Referenced Test Development," while perhaps not the sexiest title on the old bookshelf, is a must-read resource for those who want to develop valid tests. You can find them at Third is the team of Bob Mosher and Conrad Gottfredson. These are the guys who brought us the Five Moments of Learning Need and are the ones to watch when it comes to embedding performance support into…
