From the course: Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

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Benefits of converting in-person training

Benefits of converting in-person training

- [Instructor] Because you may be somewhat new to digital learning, I thought I'd highlight some of the benefits of converting your in-person training to some type of digital blend. I hope a few of these inspire you as you take those first few steps. Converting an in-person course helps you grow as a learning professional. By playing with various technologies, you figure out better ways to teach. I know that getting up to speed on various technologies can be frustrating, even scary. But as you're getting started, you only need to know the specific tools you're using. And when you do get stuck, there are resources available. Converting to digital extends the reach and scalability of your training. When you move to some type of digital blend, you're going to be able to reach every single learner eligible for the training. I think you'll admit that's a big benefit. Converting reduces training costs. Okay, maybe to you…
