From the course: Converting Face-to-Face Training into Digital Learning

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Assess performance through simulations

Assess performance through simulations

- [Narrator] Ideally, you want to assess a learner's skills in the actual work environment, but a lot of the time this just isn't practical. The good news is we can get pretty close to creating such an environment with simulations. A well-designed roleplay is a simulation. An activity in which accounting students analyze data in a spreadsheet is a simulation. The spreadsheet is the environment where they'd be doing this in the real world. And you've probably taken a software simulation once or twice, for example, a video editing software that shows you how simple the tool is to use by walking you through the steps of editing a sample movie. Simulations are a great way to assess your learner's knowledge, especially if you're teaching sales, customer service, marketing, communication, or restaurant and hotel staff. You should also consider simulations if your learners do a lot of their actual work on the computer. So let's…
