From the course: Construction Management: Project Delivery Methods

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Construction manager at risk (CMAR)

Construction manager at risk (CMAR)

- The Construction Manager at Risk, or CM at Risk, or CMAR method of project delivery is a newer and maybe less familiar method of project delivery in the construction industry, depending on where you are and the type of work that you do. In the CM at Risk method, the owner still maintains those two distinct and separate contracts, again, one with the designer and one with the builder. But instead of following that progression of design, then bid, then build, the owner hires the builder or the general contractor at roughly the same time that they hire the designer. The contractor is hired at this point to provide input during the design phase of the project on things like cost, constructability, and schedule, and they're paid for these services. The expectation here is that the contractor, the designer, and the owner will all work together to develop construction documents that meet the owner's needs and fits their budget and schedule. Under this method of project delivery, the owner…
