From the course: Construction Management: Planning and Scheduling

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Types of schedules

Types of schedules

- I'm going to continue with the history lesson just a little bit and talk about the different types of schedules that we see in construction. And I'll take just a few minutes to explain why the different methods have been used over time, and what some of the limitations are on each one. First, I'm going to mention, and then we'll skip over, what I consider to be systems that are important to the history of planning and scheduling, but not really used much today. These are going to include the Program evaluation review technique, or PERT, and the arrow diagramming method, or ADM. PERT was developed in the late 1950s by the US Navy, and it's a somewhat complex system that we just don't see used much in the construction industry. PERT takes into consideration the problem of uncertainty. That is, the fact that when it comes right down to it, when we make a schedule, we are just sort of picking a number, or a fixed value for each activity duration, when in real life there is probably an…
