From the course: Construction Management: Lean Strategies for Improvement

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- Thank you so much for watching my course. As you continue to adopt new policies and procedures or new technology, remember to ask yourself, will this help me eliminate rework or downtime? Now, I know there are plenty of other areas in construction that also need attention, and these can't be the only two goals, but I do think they need to be up there right at the top. If you want to stay involved with this conversation there are several places you can do that. If you have a question or comment about something in this course, post it here in the Q&A tab on the course page. Other learners will get to see it and participate in the conversation, and I get notified when you post there so I can jump in and answer as well. And make sure to follow me on LinkedIn. I post regularly about topics in construction management and construction safety. After you follow me, you can click on the bell on my profile page to be notified when I…
