From the course: Construction Management: Introduction to Lean Construction

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How does lean apply to construction?

How does lean apply to construction?

- Let's bring this discussion of lean productivity over to construction by focusing on the first tenant of viewing production as a flow, managing for throughput and not point speed. Can you envision how this applies to construction? Part of this goes back to what I discussed at the beginning of this course, related to how productivity is measured in our industry and why our productivity is reported as being so low. Remember, productivity of an overall construction project is measured as the time it takes to go from the idea to the hand-off of the finished structure or facility. So where Toyota needed a way to quickly respond to customers' demands for new products and features, we need a way to shorten the overall time that it takes to deliver a completed project to an owner. That process includes more than just the build-out time at that project. The overall construction process includes an incredible amount of time spent in design and procurement. The traditional design-bid-build…
