From the course: Construction Management: Concrete Construction

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Self-consolidating concrete

Self-consolidating concrete

- Well, we just finished talking about the problems with adding too much water to concrete. And if you've ever been part of a field crew trying to place concrete, you know, like I said, the main reason people do this is they wanna wet the concrete up and make it easier to place. It just flows better because it's not so stiff. But again, remember, the higher the water to cement ratio in that concrete, the lower the strength. And also remember that we've talked about the hardening of the concrete being that chemical process we called hydration, and we discussed a few of the chemical admixtures that we can use these days to change the properties of the concrete, like the water-cement ratio. Now, one of the chemicals that we discussed was the water reducing admixture that changes the properties of the plastic concrete to make it more flowable without adding more water. What I want to introduce now is what we're calling self-consolidating concrete. Now this is a revolutionary new product…
