From the course: Construction Management: Concrete Construction

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- I wanna thank you for joining me to learn about concrete and all of its uses and effects on the construction industry. It's just a material that's used so much that you need to have a good understanding of how it really works, in order to be a successful construction management professional. Concrete and concrete construction is a big topic, though, with lots of different sub-topics and issues to explore. If you're really interested in learning more, I think two of the best sources out there are found on the internet at and These have both been around for quite a while; belongs to the American Concrete Institute, which is actually an international organization, they have chapters all over the world, and their site has lots of information: books and design codes you can purchase and lots of free, downloadable resources as well. belongs to the Portland Cement Association, also a very large organization with a worldwide reach. The site…
