From the course: Construction Industry: Safety

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Resolving safety between the trades

Resolving safety between the trades

From the course: Construction Industry: Safety

Resolving safety between the trades

- I'm going to talk here, not just about correcting something that you see being done in an unsafe manner, but about correcting work being done by one trade that might be safe to them, but that creates a hazard for the other trades in the area. This is really common on construction sites. And it's really where the responsibility lies with the general contractor to remedy these situations. It's not okay to have the trades work it out amongst themselves. That's why you're there. It's the general contractor's responsibility and if you're a project manager, or a project engineer, or a superintendent for that general contractor, this is your responsibility. Those trade contractors do not have any contractual relationship with each other. They can't tell each other what to do. They also may have no idea what the other trade is doing, or why they're doing it. You need to manage and coordinate this stuff, which means you need the…
