From the course: Construction Change Orders

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Indirect labor

Indirect labor

- [Instructor] The time required to supervise your onsite labor and manage the project will definitely be impacted by the change order work, the main categories being: ordering the additional material. It will take time for the foreman or manager to purchase and receive the additional material and ensure that it's correct. Labor direction. Your managers will have to instruct the labor force as to what the new changes are and coordinate with other trades so that everyone is aware of the new work. This added labor is not included on your change order take-off labor. Additional meetings between the owner and contractors related to this change might be required. Cover these costs. Record drawings and as-builts. It's critical to keep up-to-date construction drawings during construction and after construction. The time that it takes to update these drawings and turn them over to the owner as record drawings should also be included in your change order proposal. Lost time. If your labor…
