From the course: CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Wireless exploits, part 2

Wireless exploits, part 2

- As technology has advanced, wireless networks have become so much more popular than anyone would've probably imagined even a few decades ago. And because there is so much more wireless connectivity and mobility among devices, we find more and more wireless attacks, so let's look at a few additional wireless attacks. You can categorize them into several different areas, including data modification and data corruption for two. Data modification includes unauthorized wireless access to change some actionable data. The idea is for the attacker to get in and change something that can then be used later. It could focus on altering configuration information to ease further attacks or further access. So, all you have to do is change some permissions in one attack and then use those relaxed permissions to carry out another attack to get to what you're really after. Another type of attack would be data corruption. A data corruption attack is an attack on availability. If you corrupt data, you…
