From the course: Complete Guide to SQL for Data Engineering: from Beginner to Advanced

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Best practices for managing roles and permissions

Best practices for managing roles and permissions - SQL Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to SQL for Data Engineering: from Beginner to Advanced

Best practices for managing roles and permissions

- Managing rules and permission in SQL, or any database system, is critical for ensuring database security, maintaining efficient access control, and ensuring that user have the appropriate level of access needed for their task. Here are some detailed best practices for managing roles and permissions. Principle of least privileges. This ensures that the users and roles have only the minimum level of access necessary to perform their function. For example, imagine that you have one team member. Now this team member only look for the customer problems and look at the customer data. Then you should only grant the customer table permissions to this person. You should not give him the permission to do something on the product, or on order data, because this person is not dealing with those tables. This is how you can implement the least privileges. You try to give only the lowest level of access to every person. Another best practice would be the role hierarchies. Role hierarchies involve…
