From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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Gamification of cold calling

Gamification of cold calling

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

Gamification of cold calling

- So my third tip is to gamify the process. Now, this may sound ridiculous, but trust me, it's a very effective technique. And it's to basically make a game out of making the calls. So, maybe reward yourself. Every 10th call, you go for a walk or you have a coffee. Or maybe every time you have a conversation with a decision maker, you go for a walk or have a coffee. It helps take your mind off the pressure of making the calls, and it makes it a game, and you almost forget that you're speaking to other people about your product and going through that stressful situation. A good story is a friend of mine told me that she would lay out Smarties across the table, and every call she made, she'd have one more Smartie. And, she'd have this massive long line and would totally forget that she was calling these big, bad prospects. All she was doing was just thinking about the next Smartie. So, she'd make a call, whether it went good or…
