From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Cloud identity and access tools

Cloud identity and access tools

- [Instructor] How does identity management work with cloud governance tools? Cloud identity and access tools focus on identity management, governance, and security. Suppose things have an identity such as applications, data, servers, devices, or humans. In this case, it's easy to assign an identity and then manage it in terms of its authentication to other applications, resources, services, et cetera. Governance tools use identity management, as do security tools as well. Considering that liable security, we leverage identity in terms of authentication, and the same identity features are also helpful with governance. For example, ensuring that a specific identity can only access another identity at a particular time of day is governance, or putting a limit around something rather than allowing and denying its access. We're not going to do a deep dive into identity management here right now. It's okay that you understand what it is and its primary purpose for cloud governance. In the…
