コース: Cloud DevOps Concepts: Understanding Processes and Services (2021)



Continuous integration

Continuous integration

- [Instructor] So now let's talk about continuous integration as a concept within DevOps and cloud computing. So this allows the developers to, in essence, merge everything together into some sort of central repository. And it's able to leverage this to automate the building and the testing of the systems. It's in essence, the front part of the DevOps process. And ultimately, it's perhaps the most important step. Typically, like continuous testing and continuous development, this is an automated process. So it's dealing with continuous integration technology which allows the code mergers to occur automatically. The objective here is to ultimately deal with the finding and the resolutions of bugs, the ability to improve the quality of the software, its ability to meet the objectives of the business. And then also compress the time it takes to validate and release software updates that move to deployment and operations. So…
