From the course: Cloud Computing: Understanding Networking

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The important role of cloud networking

The important role of cloud networking

- [Instructor] Cloud networking is essential for several reasons including scalability, flexibility, cost effectiveness, accessibility, security and reliability, innovation and agility. Let's explore each. Scalability are the ability to expand, to support and increasing load on the network. For example, the ability to support 100 users on Monday than 10,000 users on Friday. Any limitations can mean not getting the value out of the cloud network as required. Flexibility are the ability to change the cloud network without much latency. This means that the network can adapt to the business continuously. It's an imperative if the network will provide the most value to the company. Cost effectiveness maximizes the value return to the business with the money being spent. Investing a great deal and cloud networking is okay if the value is returned. That is, it is cost-effective. Accessibility is the ability to access network services from any number of physical locations and using any number…
