From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 4 Incident Management

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Security information and event management

Security information and event management

- [Instructor] Now, you know that log files are an important security control because they allow IT professionals to detect suspicious activity taking place on their systems, networks, and applications. However, if you're like most security professionals, you simply don't have the time to do a thorough job of reviewing those detailed logs. There are just far too many log entries generated by systems every day and trudging through them would be tedious, mind numbing work. Now, fortunately for us, computers are very good at tedious work, and most organizations now go beyond the simple reporting and alerting mechanisms that I discussed in the last video and apply artificial intelligence approaches to the problem of security log analysis. Security information and event management, or SIEM systems, have two major functions on an enterprise network. First, they act as a central, secure collection point for log entries from…
