From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer UI and 2D Games

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2D projects and user interfaces

2D projects and user interfaces

- [Instructor] In this chapter and the next, we're going to look at the fundamentals of user interfaces inside the Unity engine. And we'll do that by completing a practical project together. That's the project you see right here in front of you, titled my super game. It really is a sample menu that might be in the opening of a sample 2D game, where you can choose some of the main options in that game. If I hit play on the tool bar, you'll see that it's pretty straightforward. It's simply this menu here, we've got this panel, and a background element. And as I hover my mouse over different buttons within the interface, those buttons respond by highlighting. And also these different elements here are aligned and configured so that if I do something like I resize my view here, the user interface is going to adapt to fit the new screen size. So we have an adaptive interface. We're going to be building this together and…
