From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer Fundamentals

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Creating projects

Creating projects

- [Instructor] When you are ready to create a completely new Unity project, you want to head on over to the Unity hub application that will be installed to your computer. This is the launch pad for creating new projects here inside Unity. A project is simply a container for all the work we're going to be doing. If you're making games, one project is one game. If you're making visualizations, one project is one visualization and you get the idea. When you create Unity hub, you will typically begin over here in the project section listing some of the most recent projects that have been opened and edited. If it's the first time you're using Unity, then this list will probably be empty and that's completely fine. To get started at creating a new project, you just need to hit the new button. If you have multiple versions of Unity on your computer, you can click the drop down arrow to select the version that you want to…
