From the course: Cert Prep: Adobe Certified Associate - InDesign

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Test-taking strategies

Test-taking strategies

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'll cover some ideas, advice, and test-taking strategies for maximizing your score on the ACA exam. First, let's consider some general things before the test starts, and put you in a position to succeed. If possible, clear some time in your schedule before and after the test. You can use the time before to do some last minute review, and you can also avoid rushing into the testing room which can make you feel stressed. Likewise, to minimize stress, try not to schedule the exam anywhere near major events or deadlines for work or school. On test day, dress comfortably. It might be a good idea to dress in layers, so you can adjust if it's too hot or too cold in the testing room. Also, if you can, pick a time slot that fits your personality. If you're a morning person, take the test early when you feel rested and alert. Or if you hate mornings, take the test later in the day. In any case, make an effort to get enough sleep the night before the test. It's…
