Aus dem Kurs: CCSP Cert Prep: 1 Cloud Concepts, Architecture, and Design

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Multitenant computing

Multitenant computing

- [Instructor] The public cloud is built upon the operating principle of multitenancy. Now, this simply means that many different customers share/use of the same computing resources. The physical servers that support my workloads might be the same physical servers that support your workloads. Now in an ideal world, an individual customer never see the impact of multitenancy. Servers should be completely independent of each other and enforce the principle of isolation. From a security perspective, one customer should never be able to see data belonging to another customer. From a performance perspective, the actions that one customer takes should never impact the actions of another customer. Preserving isolation is the core, crucial security task of a cloud service provider. Multitenancy allows cloud providers to oversubscribe their resources. Almost all computing workloads vary in their needs over time. One…
