Aus dem Kurs: CCSP Cert Prep: 1 Cloud Concepts, Architecture, and Design

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Cloud design patterns

Cloud design patterns

- [Instructor] As you continue your journey in the world of cloud computing and cloud security, you'll find that new services and techniques appear pretty much constantly, and it's very difficult to stay on top the best way to design security for each of these new developments. Fortunately, you're not on your own. You're part of a community of vendors and security professionals working together to help you create a safe and secure computing environment in the cloud. Design patterns are an excellent way to do this. Design patterns offer you blueprints for configuring and using cloud services in a secure manner, drawing upon the wisdom of the engineers who created those services and your peers who work with the services every day. As you prepare for the CCSP exam, you should be familiar with a few commonly used industry resources. The CCSP objectives specifically mention embracing the security principles published by the…
