From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 5 Application Security and Identity Management for Cloud Computing

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DevOps and software testing

DevOps and software testing

- [Instructor] DevOps combine software development and operational maintenance for software solutions. This results in having a streamlined and more secure software solution that's made available more quickly than would otherwise be possible. So DevOps combines two things. It combines IT management. Now IT management would include dealing with infrastructure like network connectivity, storage, virtual machines, but it also means that we are combining that IT management with software development. The intersection of these two is what we really refer to as being DevOps. The software development means writing code, building or compiling the code, testing the code, and then the IT management needs to deploy that code in a secured manner. So the purpose of DevOps then is to reduce how long it takes to develop solutions, to produce high quality solutions that can be delivered quickly. So that's what we want to do is reduce…
