From the course: Carter Beauford: Under the Table and Drumming

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Dave: Conversation

Dave: Conversation

- Dave's style of songwriting, it's kind of strange at times. Well, I thought it was strange in the beginning. I thought that he just didn't realize where, you know, things were supposed to lie in certain tunes. Well, where the one was, a lot. A lot of the time signatures changed, you know, he would play a certain way, and I would listen to it and say, "Okay, he's playing in four, four." But then it would turn out that he would throw in an extra two beats here or there, you know, and I was like, "wow, he's not, you know, he's not feeling this thing the way it's supposed to be felt." But then after a while of studying, you know, Dave's style of playing, I was like, "wait a minute, there's a whole pattern to this thing," you know, so he's no, you know, he knows what's going on here. I'm the one that doesn't know what's going on. So I studied him for a long time, you know. And I listened to tapes, we record all of our rehearsals…
