From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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Phases of game development

Phases of game development - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

Phases of game development

- [Voiceover] Just like any project, game development is completed in phases. Most game projects will go through a pre-production process at the start of a development cycle. The pre-production stage is the time when a game starts to evolve into whatever it's going to be. Many games start off as a completely different concept than what they end up being by the time they're done. It may surprise you that when pre-production starts for a video game, programming and building art for the game may not start for several months. Developing the game design may not have happened yet. The team hasn't even been hired. Actually, the first steps of pre-production focus on making sure the game should even be made. So, let's take a look at a few steps you might encounter in a normal pre-production cycle. The first step is often making a prototype. Usually prototypes are a little rough around the edges, but it should show what your game will look and play like. While the prototype is being developed,…
