From the course: Camtasia Essential Training: Advanced Techniques

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Simplifying loudness

Simplifying loudness

- Audio levels in Camtasia 2020 can seem a tad mystifying. Let's look at simplifying that. Now what we do have to work with is the audio wave form. The wave form gives me a visual representation of how loud my audio is. Now, simplifying loudness starts by setting your input levels correctly. And just in case, this is a new concept to you, you do that here in the recorder with this slider right here, I shoot for the meter to be peaking in the yellow to orange range when I'm using my normal speaking voice. And that gives me a wave form like this first one here. Now, if my wave form looks like the second one here, I could benefit by just boosting my levels a bit when I record. And if it looks like this third one what it means is I'm just recording too loud. The audio is clipping. It's going to be distorted and terrible. So I need to bring my levels down, just a tad. So start there, adjust your input levels so your…
