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Getting high-resolution video and images

Getting high-resolution video and images

[Instructor] - Garbage in, garbage out is one of my favorite multi-media production sayings. While there are of course ways to improve less than stellar images in video, as far as I'm aware, there is no magic garbage-to-gold drag and drop effect. So, whenever I capture video or images for a project, I almost always shoot in the highest resolution available on my camera. So given that most of my projects are created in HD 1920 x 1080 resolution, why would I create media with such a large file size? Well, two reasons. One, quality. 4k video scaled down to HD just looks better. And two, and really the bigger reason, 4k video and higher res images used in an HD project offer all kinds of advanced production options. Now to keep things looking their best, I transfer my files in full resolution directly to my laptop. I don't ever use the "send it to a friend" option to get it off my device. This usually compresses and…
