From the course: Camtasia Essential Training: Advanced Techniques

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Dealing with difficult tracks

Dealing with difficult tracks

- As I add high resolution media affects transitions and all that kind of fun stuff to my project. Camtasia can begin to struggle to process all of that in real time. Making editing a tedious and hair-pulling experience. So let's check out a few ways to handle troublesome tracks and keep editing fun. My first tactic for dealing with this is to get my foundation editing done before I begin adding the shiny stuff. For this project that meant trimming up my live action video first. That's my bottom track here. My talking head video, my live action video whatever you want to call it. So I recommend starting there. Get your screencap, your talking head, your voiceover, whatever is your foundation track. Get that looking and sounding the way you want before adding call-outs, effects, graphics and all that kind of stuff. Because these can suck up a lot of processing power. Next trick is to simply disable a track. If my 4K…
