From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

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Verbal skills for business analysts

Verbal skills for business analysts

- I can't imagine business analysis without communicating verbally. Conversations and dialogue is much of what the role is about and the silent treatment won't work for this role. Most BAs over time would say that BAs should be listening more than talking. And this means that the words you do choose are very important. When I think about what's critical about verbal communications and BAs, I think about how BAs articulate. Articulating the right message at the right time for the right audience and in the right tone. When done well, BAs, the team and stakeholders clearly understand one another and productive conclusions are reached. Let's dig into what verbal communications and articulating means and break it down into three areas. First, how we articulate the questions we ask. Second, how we articulate summarizing what we're hearing and last, how we articulate in general information like action items in meetings…
