From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

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Understanding data, process, and rules as a business analyst

Understanding data, process, and rules as a business analyst

From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

Understanding data, process, and rules as a business analyst

- Over the years, Brady the BA hears lots of feedback on requirements and most feedback about requirements is that they are too detailed and too vague. This barely makes sense. Well, what it comes down to is that most requirements are missing context, creating a a sense of vague requirements, and context comes from understanding the users' processing goals. So when this context isn't present and Brady would hear that requirements were too vague, Brady would add details and technical design. This isn't the detail that actually helps. Most business and technical stakeholders really don't want all the technical detail in the requirements, but Brady wasn't sure what other detail to provide. Well, Brady found the answer lies in understanding the user process alignment to the data and the rules. There's an interconnection between user process, data and rules that gives the right detail without being vague or providing…
