From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

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Facilitating the requirements process as a business analyst

Facilitating the requirements process as a business analyst

From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

Facilitating the requirements process as a business analyst

- The requirements process is a journey of learning and discovery. And the BA's role is to understand how to facilitate and take stakeholders on this journey. Facilitating this journey means putting together many pieces of a puzzle and determining the next steps from many points of view. The process BAs facilitate is about changing from a current state to a future state and usually entails processes, people, and systems. There isn't a perfect procedure to follow to guarantee success. This means we feel our way through the process, knowing the general direction we're headed but use special facilitation skills to know the next steps to take. Brady the BA has grown into the role to the point that it's rewarding to design and run the process the team will use. Brady focuses on three things during the requirements process. First, understanding that it's a learning process where your stakeholders' needs and requirements will…
