From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

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Data analysis skills for business analysts

Data analysis skills for business analysts

From the course: Business Analysis Foundations: Competencies

Data analysis skills for business analysts

- The power of a BA with great data skills lies in being able to align the data with the customer experience and strategic insights. It's like having a crystal ball that no one else can see. Data analysis can mean a lot of different things to BAs, and we'll look at many of the ways BAs use analyze data for better requirements. Overall, it means being able to understand and identify the data, discover the meaning of the data, define the data relationships, and connect disparate data to gain insights. It involves making sense of data from multiple angles, and it's more than reading the data in simple analysis. It's understanding complex relationships, large data sets, trends in the data, patterns, and ultimately figuring out what data matters most to providing value. Brady, the BA, has never really had to understand data as a BA, but he is landed on a project that data skills are needed as a focus and Brady has to learn…
