From the course: Building Resilience (2014)

Connect with your advisory board

From the course: Building Resilience (2014)

Connect with your advisory board

- We all have people we debrief and confide in, be they family, friends, or colleagues. Just like athletes are surrounded by professionals who work with them to achieve excellence, you too should seek out advisors who can help you debrief and grow from the experience of adverse events. I don't officially invite people to my group I call my advisory board, but I freely ask them to give me feedback on how I have handled the situation. The one characteristic that all my advisory board members have in common is that they are action oriented. What I mean by that is that they don't spend time looking for the blame or commiserating with me. They're focused on helping me increase my overall resilience. In situations that are likely to reoccur and where I have some potential influence in they ask me questions such as, what aspects of the situation could you potentially improve on in the future? What can you do be sure that this doesn't happen again? Is there anything positive that came out of the situation? Can you have any positive influence on what happens next? Your advisory board should be individuals who can coach you to work through your challenging event and help you process it unemotionally. They're people you trust to provide honest feedback perhaps after they give you a pep talk or lend you a sympathetic ear. Most importantly they guide you with their actionable feedback. It may take a team to help you raise your resilience threshold. If you don't have one yet start recruiting.
