From the course: Building Inclusive Work Communities

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Engaging with HR

Engaging with HR

- Before I became an HR professional, I thought of HR as a department that existed solely to protect the company when leaders broke the rules. Now that I'm here as an HR professional, I can tell you, when a company is really running well, employees' interests and employer interests are not at odds with each other. So I invite you to shift your thinking and consider HR as your partner, equally focused on maintaining inclusive work communities. After this lesson, you'll learn some strategies on the best ways to engage with HR, to share your perspective on inclusivity in your workplace. Let's start with some grounding principles about the employee-employer relationship. Employers have a responsibility to provide employees with a safe work environment free from discrimination. In return, employees are expected to perform the work they are hired to do in the spirit of the company's mission, vision and values. The primary role of…
