From the course: Building High-Performance Teams

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Matching priorities and resources

Matching priorities and resources

- A critical step in the prioritization process is looking at all of your initiatives after you've screened them according to your strategic filters and then comparing them to one another so you can create a list that is stack ranked from highest priority initiative to lowest priority. And once you've done that prioritization process, you then need to look at the resources that are available and understand how deep into that prioritization list you can get with the resources that you have. Finally once you have that list and you understand what your resources enable you to tackle, you need to take a step back and make sure you have an appropriate mix of the types of initiatives so you're advancing as many of your goals as possible. Once you've done that and you have that prioritization list, take a look at the resources that you have on hand and for each initiative on that list, go ahead and document what resources you'll need to complete that initiative. And you may need to look at…
