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Cyber resilience overview

Cyber resilience overview

- [Instructor] Cyber resilience. What is it? The Miriam Webster dictionary says, "Resilience is the ability to become successful again after something bad happens." So why do we need to focus on resilience now? Well, online attackers are stealing more from us than ever before. So our ability to detect and respond to a cyber attack is just as important as trying to block it in the first place. Over the past several years, the volume of data breaches has been increasing. The average cost of a large company cybersecurity incident is now 15.4 million dollars as published in the 2022 net diligence cyber claims study. Cybersecurity ventures recently predicted that by 2025, the annual cost of cybersecurity incidents will reach 10.5 trillion dollars globally. That's about 21 times the cost in 2015. Why is this happening? Long gone are the days when our main online attacker was a technically talented but opportunistic teenager…

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