From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Motivate and instill a growth mindset

Motivate and instill a growth mindset

From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

Motivate and instill a growth mindset

- Our brains have an enormous capacity to grow and change over time, even as we age. Known as neuroplasticity to scientists, this phenomenon explains why adult learners are able to process varied, complex and novel information and experiences relatively easily. This has led to our understanding of the power of mindset. Mindset is a simple concept, first researched by Carol Dweck, a world-renowned psychologist at Stanford University and it shows us how a learners mindset can have a powerful positive or negative impact on learning. Basically there are two types of mindset, growth mindset and fixed mindset. Learners with a fixed mindset believe that their inherent qualities and abilities such as their intelligence or a particular talent are simply fixed traits, something that they are born with and that is not changeable. So, they rely on these traits as they are rather than on developing them, or better yet acquiring additional skills. They ignore the opportunity to learn something new,…
