From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Minimize distractions

Minimize distractions

- Let's face it, we live in a world of almost continuous distractions, our devices are always on, ready to beep and send a signal to our brains that there's something new that we should pay attention to. In this day and age, it's harder than ever to get and keep learner attention. Even when learners are tremendously interested in the subject, and highly motivated to learn something new, they can still be easily distracted and quickly lose attention and focus. And when this happens, the learning will be less likely to stick. The research is clear, that even tiny distractions during a learning task, greatly reduce later recall of ideas and concepts. So, it takes more than motivation, it takes design that minimizes the source and impact of distractions. It's a brain-friendly practice to employ design strategies that minimize anything getting in the way of a learners focus on the lesson. Remember, minimizing distractions maximizes recall. There are three simple design strategies that can…
