From the course: Brain-Based Elearning Design

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Apply positive social pressure

Apply positive social pressure

- [Narrator] Research has shown that our brains are fundamentally social. In fact, some scientists think that our brains adapt and grow by building their mental and emotional framework through interactions with the brains of other people. This way of looking at the brain has enormous relevance to learning. For example, research has shown that our brains use the same networks and have the same reaction to physical threats as they do to social threats. Of course, we don't want learners to experience social threats during the learning process like being put on the spot in front of other learners or being called out for asking a foolish question. On the other hand, research suggests that the more sociability we can design into an e-learning environment and experience, the more engaging and effective the learning process will be. This sociability can be built into an e-learning design by affording positive social pressure. Let's first break down what we mean by positive social pressure. By…
