From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Tricks for aligning the walls

Tricks for aligning the walls

- [Instructor] Now, let's work on the wall coming out right here, this wall that goes all the way down to here. Let's move the door, I'll tab into object mode and move that door. Actually, let's go ahead and hide it. I'll twirl the reference objects down and let's hide the door size object by clicking on the (mumbles) here and that hides it away. Now, we can select the wall again, tab into edit mode and let's go ahead and add an edge right here. I'll press Control + R and click and drag, and let's put one here and I'll do that again and let's make it about, I don't know about that wide. Let's hit the three key, select that face and then we can hit E and just drag all the way over here. I'll hit the period key and let's see if we can put it, how about right about there? That looks pretty good. All right. Let's add another edge loop, Control + R and I'll bring that over here. And this one is just for this little…
