From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

Modeling the conference room glass

- [Instructor] Well, since the last video I've gone ahead and cleaned up the canister lights here. I created a collection and put those in here. Now what I'd like to do is work on the windows and door of the conference room. Let's see if we can find a reference image here. I think I have one right here, this 2785. Let's open that up and let's take a look at it. So here we have the windows and doors on the conference room. We've got four glass panels and a door. We've got a handle on the inside and the outside. And then we've got these metal trim pieces at the top and at the bottom, as well as the trim pieces on the door. Now we're not going to work on the material at this point in time. What I want to do is just get all the windows in get them into a collection or two, and then hide them again. Because we're really not going to be able to deal with them until we start doing the materials and the lighting. But we can at least model the window panes and the doors and get those in place. So let's do that. What I'll do first of all is just create a cube over here. I'm going to select a chair and hit the period key just so I sent her up over here in this area. I just want to be able to tumble around this area here, and I'm going to leave everything in just so I can see how I'm doing. So I'll move the cursor to that selection with shift S two and then let's press shift a mesh cube. And here we go. Now I'm going to move this generally into place. Let's scale it in the Y with S and Y and I'll bring it in. So it's pretty narrow, something like that. Let's move it back. And I'm going to begin back here and then use the array modifier to make sure I've got five evenly spaced panels here. Let's zoom into this with a period key and I'll move it out to about here. And how are we doing in terms of centering it on that wall? Well, we got to move it out just a bit like this and let's go to that top view and wire frame to make sure we can get it right in the center here. And I'll move it over right against this wall right here. All right. Now I think let's take it down to the ground. Oh well this is a little piece that's sticking out of the wall. Isn't it. Let me go back and pull it out to that right there. We probably want it right there. Let's do that. Okay. So let's go back and put it on the ground. I think we've got it pretty much there. And let's now grab this face right up here. Take it up to the top of the doorframe here. Here we go. And we're going to have metal trim pieces there so it doesn't have to be perfect. And let's move this back to about right here. Okay. So now that we have that and I'll move the origin to the center of the geometry here. I'll apply the scale with control A scale, and then let's come over here to the modifiers panel and let's create an array modifier. Now it's going in the wrong direction. It should be going in the negative X. So let's come over here and type in negative one here. I'd like to give it a little bit of space between each one. So let's maybe put it at a negative 1.01 and see how that works. Yeah, that gives us just a little bit of a space there. In fact, we might be able to get a little bit closer. Let's try negative 1.005. Let's try that. Yeah, that gets them nice and close without connecting them together. So let's do that. Now let's give it five in the count. We've got two here. So let's increase this to five since that's how many we have here. And then we need to adjust this beginning One, adjust the original to get it to all fit. So if I tap into edit mode I've still got that face selected. So let's just grab that face there and pull it back until we get this about where we want it. Let me bring, I'm going to hold that shift key down. Let's bring it right about to here. There we go. Yeah. That gives us five evenly spaced panels there. That's good. Now the next thing we could do is create that handle. Let's cheat just a bit. It's not really cheating. It's just reusing your pieces from other objects. And that's fine. Let's grab this piece right here with the L key but you know before I do it looks like we've got a whole lot of edges in here. Let's just go through and ALT click quite a few of these edges here and then I'm just going to dissolve them. because we don't need all of those edges. I'll press X and dissolve edges. There we go. All right. Now what let's do is just hit L and shift D and BI and pull that out. Let's hit P and choose to separate BI selection. And there we go. So now we'd go back to object mode and just select that object. We can move our origin to the geometry there we go and let's move it over here into place. So I think what I want to do let's take a look at where it is. It looks like it's about even with this handle on this door. So let's grab this and take it over here. And let's move it up and put it in place So it's about at the right location. And you hit the period key again. I feel like it's too small. Let's scaled up a bit. Let's press R Z and I'm going to hold the control key down and let's spin it. 90 degrees. There we go. Now let's come over here and put it in place on this store, right in here, something like that. And then I'm going to move it into that door and then let's create the other one on the inside. So let's duplicate this shift D and enter and then I'm going to mirror it along the y-axis into mirror. We press control M. So control M and Y and then enter. There we go. Now if I press ALT Z, I can see through it and we can bring this over and connect it up with that one there. I feel like they need to come out more. Maybe I'll bring them out like this. Let's see how this works. When we put that transparent material on there, we'll have to see how that works. I may have to close off the holes on the insides but now what let's do is create those metal trim pieces at the top and at the bottom. So to do that once again, I could press shift A create another cube and let's bring that cube over. Let's bring it up here. I'm going to scale in the Y, S and Y pretty narrow in, let's bring it back out like this. I will grab this face down here and let's bring that up. And it looks like it's about like this maybe. And we can always just grab this face and take it back to the wall back here. And I think this space just needs to go to the door right here. Let's see how we're doing on the other side. Yeah. That's not bad. I'm just going to move this over like this. And then let's do that on the bottom. Let's just take this same piece shift D Z and bring it down here like that. And then let's grab that same piece once again. I'm going to move the origin to the geometry. Let's duplicate it. Shift D enter I'll scale it in the Z S Z. Let's scale it in the Y. Make it a little bit thinner S Y then what let's do is let's make it quite a bit shorter with scaling in the x-axis. And we'll bring that over here and put it on the top of the door here and use this face here to bring this right about here. Oh, it looks like we need to take that trim piece all the way over. I don't wait. So let's go ahead and just take that all the way over. Let's do that over to there and then grab this and move it down like that. Yeah, that looks a little bit better. There we go. So down here however, I don't think we needed to go all the way because someone would trip over that. So we don't want that. Let's press shift D and Z and bring this down to the bottom down here like that. There we go. Okay. So now we have the door and windows on the conference room there. Let's go ahead and put this in its own collection here. I'm going to take all of these pieces and let's get them in their own collection so we can select them easily. I'll grab this here and let's just press the M key and go to new collection. And we'll call this conference room windows. There we go. So now we have them all in here but for now, what I'd like to do is take them and duplicate them and move them over here. So let's go ahead and do that with all those still selected. Let's press shift D and move them over here. Let's zoom in and place them where we think they should be right along here. And then we're going to need to move everything over. So what I should do is go back to solid view here, and let's select that window object with the array modifier still on it. We'll tab into edit mode and we'll grab this one face again and let's just move everything over until we get to the end here. Now like that. Now we can take these pieces here and move these over to about right here and move these to the side. We need to do the same thing here. All right, there we go. We've got our conference room doors and windows in place. We've got them in a collection so we can easily hide them. What let's do in the next video is begin placing the windows for the offices all through here. And once again, we'll put them all in their own collection so we can hide them until we get to the point where we can apply that transparent material.
