From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Finishing the window frames

Finishing the window frames

- [Instructor] Before I begin duplicating this, it looks like the spacing of the three windows may be just a little off, so I'm going to go to the top view and hit the Z key and go to wireframe and let's take a look here. Yeah, I think I'd like to line up these posts with this part of the floor plan right here. So let's tap into edit mode, hit the one key to go to Vertex mode and I'll hit the B key and border select and I'll just drag this over about like that, and then hit the B key and drag these over about like that. So yeah that hopefully will even that spacing out just a bit, so yeah, that looks a little better. Now, I think I can just begin duplicating for all of these however, the pivot point of this object appears to be way over here and that's where the pivot point of the walls themselves are so we need to move that pivot point, let's do that. Let's go up here to Object, set origin and origin to geometry. And then we…
