From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Finishing the second chair

Finishing the second chair

- [Instructor] All right. It's time to put all this back together now, let's take a look at what we have here. Let's bring these back. It looks like this one and this one here. There we go. So that's all of our chair so far. Let's go ahead and place the caster, or the wheel where it needs to be. And then we'll see about finishing up. So let's go to the front view here, and I'll scale this down, pretty small. Let's take a look at kind of how it looks, how it feels when we look at the whole thing. So I'll hit G and move it down here. Let's see if that's about, right. Yeah I think that may be about the right size. Maybe a tad bigger. All right, so let's put that in place here. I'll take it out to one of these here, and if I place it there, it looks like we need to move the whole thing up. So to select everything else, I can invert the selection. Since this is selected, I could go to Select, and Invert or I…
