From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Creating the door handle

Creating the door handle

- To create the door handle I think I'm going to need another reference image. So what I am going to do is hover over this corner right here, and bring this over so I get two windows, and then let's bring another image into here. So I'll go to image, open, and I've got a new photograph here of the door handles so I'll just open that up. And here we go. Let me press control-space bar so we can see this a little better. So what we're going to do is we're going to create this piece here, the actual handle, and the lock. And I'm not going to go into super detail with all the little gears inside and everything, and also I'm not going to do the flat part here. I don't think we need it. It'll add extra polygons and it'll add extra time. So, what I am going to do is just create a cylinder here and extrude out, and then turn the end of the cylinder and extrude it out 90 degrees this way, as well. And of course just a cylinder…
