From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Beginning the doors

Beginning the doors

- [Instructor] Well to begin one of these doors, I guess we can just use this door size again right here. Let's just bring that out. And I'll zoom in with the period key, and let's just duplicate this, shift D, and I'll call this, I'll call this door main, 'cause this is the one we're going to create and then duplicate all the others off of and I'll hide the door size again. Now, the first thing we should do is fit this to the door opening. It's a little big, so let's tab into edit mode and hit the three key to go to face mode and I'll press all Z. So we can kind of see through here and then all the Z to come back and then let's just bring this down. And what I want to do is fit it inside this inner rim that we created inside the door jam there. I'm just going to bring that up to about right here and let's grab this face and I'm on the inside of the door here. Since these open toward the inside, they're going to…
