From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Batch renaming multiple objects

Batch renaming multiple objects

- [Instructor] Before we move on we should probably go ahead and clean up the outliner again. It's time to do a little bit of housekeeping. I feel like now that I'm looking at this, I feel like these chairs and table, this whole thing is just slightly big. So I'm going to press the S key and hold the Shift key and just scale 'em down just a tiny little bit. Feel like it needs to be a little bit smaller. And then what I'd like to do is take all of these chairs and bring them up so they're sitting on the rug as well. Let me do that. So now that I've got all of those selected, I'm just going to grab that Z-axis and move 'em up, about right there. Okay. Now what we should do is rename our objects here. It began with a NURBS path, the chair did. And so that's what we have them all named. Of course, we can select one and right click and choose Rename here, but that'll only rename one of them. And there are six of them here.…
