From the course: Blender and Substance Painter: Architectural Visualization

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Applying textures to the kitchen objects

Applying textures to the kitchen objects

- Now let's begin putting our textures on the materials here in Blender. I'm in the shading tab now and let's work on the granite countertop. So let's go over here into the countertop folder and I'll just begin bringing in each of these textures, the base color, the metallic, just like we've done before. There we go and the roughness map here, non-color, hook that up and let's grab the normal non-color, Shift + A and this time I'll go to search type in normal and there it is normal map. And we can hook that up. There we go. So now we've got that in there. But that looks okay. Yeah. I think that's going to work. Let's now work on, what else? How about the faucet, I'll zoom in to here and let's go up in the hierarchy, find our faucet and let's do the same here. So this is really just the process, the same process that we've done before. We're going to go through and attach all of these textures to each…
